10 Ways to Encourage Good Behavior in Your Dog

Our happiness and excitement know no bounds when we get a new pup. They're still new to our ways and their excited tails are either all over the place or too shy to leave their corner.

Either way it takes a lot of hard work to train them on how to behave. Even some older dogs need to be continuously trained.

A kind, tried-and-tested technique is positive reinforcement.

It simply shows your pup good behavior is worth it because it gets rewarded instead of punished. This way of training helps you bond with them deeply as even as you're imparting necessary skills.

If you're new to this or need some help, we give you ten techniques to promote good behavior in your doggo.

1. Irresistible treats.

You need to use treats that your puppy simply can’t resist. For example, this could be their favorite treats, a special toy, etc.

Try out different things to see what motivates your puppy the most, and give them lots of treats when they behave well.

2. Good timing.

You must reward your puppy right after they display desired behavior. Puppies have short attention spans. If you wait too long, they might not connect the reward with the behavior you want to see more of.

Keep treats or toys handy during training sessions to see to this. You can use dog treat pouches, they’re great for training outdoors. Turpit’s dog treat pouch has a magnetic closure that gives you quick, mess-free access to the treats.

3. Clicker training.

A small handheld device is used in this method to record the exact moment your puppy does something right. When you click, your puppy will learn that a treat or reward is coming.

It’s easier for them to understand what behavior you're reinforcing. Clicker training can be particularly helpful for teaching complex behaviors or tricks.

4. Crate training.

Introducing the crate as a safe, comfortable space can prevent destructive behaviors like chewing or potty accidents when you're not able to supervise your puppy directly.

You can reward your puppy for entering the crate and remaining calm inside. It’s great to hone their behavior.

5. Socialization for confidence.

Socializing is necessary for a well-adjusted, confident puppy.

Let your puppy meet different people, animals, sights, and sounds in a positive way, and give them treats when they stay calm and friendly.

In the long run, this will help keep them from acting out of fear and being violent.

6. Exercise for mental stimulation.

A tired puppy usually means a well-behaved puppy. Get your pup plenty of physical exercise and mental stimulation through walks, playtime, puzzle toys, etc.

A bored or understimulated puppy is more likely to choose destructive behaviors like excessive barking or chewing.

7. Consistency and patience.

Everyone in the house should be using the same commands and rewarding the same behaviors.

You also need to be patient and understand that every pup learns at their own pace. Celebrate baby steps and don't be discouraged if things move slowly – progress over perfection.

8. Managing the environment.

Puppies are naturally curious. The mischief is never deliberate on their part.

You should manage your puppy's environment and limit their access to areas or objects that could lead to undesirable behaviors. This way you can prevent many problematic behaviors before they start.

Use baby gates, crates, and close supervision to keep your puppy safe and out of trouble.

9. Teach an alternative behavior.

If your pup’s jumping on guests or chewing on furniture, teach them a substitute behavior that’s incompatible with the unwanted one.

For example, you could instead teach them to sit and stay when guests arrive (yes, it’s possible) or redirect their chewing onto appropriate toys.

10. Seek professional help if needed.

If you're struggling with a particularly challenging behavior or if the training is too much for you and your dog, you can always get help from professional dog trainers or behaviorists. They can give you personal support.

And if you think you can do it on your own, and just need good guidance, you can try online dog training workshops.

Use these positive reinforcement techniques to lay a firm base for training your puppy and prompt good behavior from the get-go.

Be consistent and patient. Be generous with treats. It will take some time and dedication but the well-behaved furry companion is worth the wait.

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